How 商业地产 Developers Take Heat Into Consideration

High temperatures and heat waves are an uncomfortable reality in cities across the United States. As a commercial real estate developer in Arizona, it’s something we’re challenged with almost daily. With projected impacts of climate change and urban development, communities are likely to experience higher-temperature days; longer, more frequent heat waves; and “城市热岛”.  

加拿大28app苹果ios版 is one of the top commercial real estate developers in Arizona. We often have to consider how heat impacts our properties. 另外, we have to keep our tenants’ comfort and safety in mind. Read our article below and see how we take heat into account with our properties.


的 current and projected impacts high temperatures have on people, 我们的经济, 基础设施非常庞大. 

在美国有超过65000人 visit emergency rooms each summer for acute heat illness, and about 650 die from heat-related causes each year. However, there is widespread agreement that these numbers are underestimated due to underreporting. 

另外, the rise in temperatures can reduce the overall growth in the United States’ economic output. This is largely due to its impact on labor productivity, 医疗保健费用增加, 我们的农业产出, 消费者消费的变化. Higher temperatures also put a significant strain on our utilities. High energy demand during extreme heat waves disrupts utility operations and transmission capability.

How Do 的se Relate to 商业地产 发展s?

Commercial real estate is entirely dependent on local markets and the long-term economic vitality of cities and regions. As we’ve indicated, extreme heat has a significant impact on our community’s economy. 城市土地学会 believes these effects can lead to less demand and devaluation of commercial real estate. 

Heat mitigation has traditionally been overshadowed by other sustainability goals like energy conservation and greenhouse gas emissions. With climate change and 城市热岛 becoming a major concern for communities, developers are incorporating new ways to mitigate the heat.

How Are 商业地产 Developers Beating the Heat?

没有一个简单的解决方案来管理热量. Commercial real estate developers must incorporate several strategies to reduce and offset urban heat island trends. 的 real estate industry is adopting new technologies to help mitigate the heat, like:

  • 很酷的墙
  • 反光路面
  • 动态的玻璃
  • 集成太阳能光伏

Developers are also installing more air conditioning units and drinking-water stations throughout their properties. 有些甚至还种植了更多的植物, 比如绿色屋顶, 城市农场, and green paths to provide much relief from the heat. 除了这些, commercial real estate developers are using vegetation to create shade for pedestrians and reduce cooling costs in their buildings. 


SkySong, 亚利桑那州立大学斯科茨代尔创新中心, is one of 加拿大28app苹果ios版’  high-profile mixed-use developments. One of the biggest concerns we faced was how we can reduce the impact of the region’s famous summer heat. 的 center’s sustainable design and extreme heat management features address local climate extremes. 我们的工作包括:

  • 通过遮荫屏风创造阴影, 窗户玻璃, 还有面向东西两面的小窗户
  • 的 SkySong buildings share centralized parking to minimize outside travel time
  • 人行道被植被遮盖得很好
  • 的 buildings are oriented to minimize solar heat gain

加拿大28app苹果ios版 is Arizona’s Premier 商业地产 Developer

拥有近40年的经验, 广场公司帮助发展, 租赁, acquire and manage hundreds of commercial properties. We provide investors with access to first-class properties to create valuable additions to their portfolios. Our extensive experience in real estate development makes us the go-to for your commercial needs. 立即加拿大28app苹果ios版 了解更多加拿大28官方免费下载app我们的服务.


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